FRINGEWORLD 2021 | Britingo! | 4.5 Stars

Review | Laura Money

Is there anything more British that Bingo? I think not! The time-honoured tradition of a bunch of seniors sitting around, staring intently at the table while someone spins balls and calls out numbers is up there with fish and chips, worcestershire sauce, the Queen, and the Union Jack. Having just moved to Perth from the UK, comedian Andrew Silverwood brings the best of British and the best of bingo in his late night FRINGEWORLD 2021 show, Britingo! Let’s face it – there’s nothing more fringe than a bloke calling out numbers to a bunch of inebriated festival goers late night in a tent in the middle of Northbridge. It’s the most fun you’ll have all fringe!

In all honesty, there’s not really a lot to say about Britingo! it’s exactly what is says on the packet. Silverwood and his offsider are hilarious – the banter is fresh and cheeky – Silverwood grins with East London charm as he openly admits that some of his rhymes are a bit stupid. Starting with a hilariously bad opening dance, they take you through the ground rules and it’s all up from there! Silverwood’s rhymes are unique – there’s no ‘legs 11’ here but you might hear ‘number 1, up ya bum!’ It’s a must-do experience – Silverwood leans heavily into the kitsch and plays UK stereotypes like a violin screeching out The Beatles. From terrible puns to cringey-yet-funny musical cues for some of the numbers, you’ll find yourself dancing the night away and staring intently at your card.

Who knew bingo could be so fun? It’s a blast from beginning to end with fabulous prizes – all sporting a British or whimsical theme – sneaky drinking, silly games, and of course – friendly competition. If Tim Brooke-Taylor and Russel Brand had a son who ran a bingo room, the result would be Britingo! So, pop on your union jack vest, nip out for a quick fag, head to Britingo! and go back home for beans on toast and a nice cuppa (or stop by the chippy if you win big!)

You can get tickets to the most fun you’ll have all fringe, HERE

Keep up with The Fourth Wall on Facebook and @fourth_wall_media on Instagram to see what we’re up to this FRINGEWORD 2021

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